For the Next Millenium


Homework for humanity to work on for the next millennium, preferably the coming centuries:

A New Ideology

  • Institution of the 'Imperial Truth' as the official ideology of the United Nations and Humanity. Its key tenets are: Anti-theism, materialism, anthropocentrism, internationalism and utilitarianism. 

Towards Unification

  • All countries will be forced to pay a tax to the UN equating to around 1% of their GDP which will go to the UN Treasury. This will be enforced by the UNSC who will determine how to spend it. 
  • Formation of the CANZUK Union, consisting of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and South Africa. Formation of the Moscow Federation, consisting of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. Centralization of the European Union into the European Federation. Formation of the Republic of South Asia, consisting of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Burma.
  • The UNSC must always consist of the 6 most powerful countries in the world. Which would be: the United States, People's Republic of China, CANZUK Union, Moscow Federation, European Federation, Republic of South Asia.
  • The UNSC would have the authority to declare a country as an enemy of humanity. Which would obligate all neighbouring countries to attack it. If the neighbouring countries fail to obey, the UNSC would go to war with all of them. Nothing on Earth can stand against the combined might of the US, China, CANZUK, Moscow, EF, and India. Afterwards, the UNSC can decide to either establish a government of their choosing in position or annex it under UN administration.  
  • All conflicts whether international or local/civil are subject to UNSC arbitration Should a country refuse to accept UNSC’s decision, it automatically becomes an enemy of humanity.
  • Reduce the number of tiny nation states on earth by allowing larger countries to absorb them or bring them under direct UN administration. 
  • Only UNSC countries are now allowed to possess nuclear weapons.
  • The UNSC must use a portion of the UN treasury to fund a renewed space program.
  • Hopefully lead to the unification of all humankind under the banner of the UNSC within a few centuries. 
  • Rename Earth to Terra.

Energy and Corporations:

  • By UN mandate all countries must nationalise companies which provide basic necessities such as electricity, internet, water, energy, steel etc and ensure that their citizens always have access to them. 
  • Internationalise (place under UN authority) non-essential but ludicrously powerful and influential companies like Amazon, Facebook, google, apple, Microsoft etc. 
  • Invest in nuclear research and adopt nuclear fission as humanity's primary energy source until nuclear fusion becomes viable.


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