Stigma Against Anti-Theism


Stigma Against Anti-Theism


In this post I am not referring to the fear and hatred theists harbour towards anti-theistic ideas. That is only natural and the expected outcome. No, what I find particularly irksome regarding opposition to religion is that often the most vocal defenders of maintaining the 'sacrosanct' status of it are fellow atheists.

It is disheartening to witness some atheists criticizing their peers for being 'edgy' or disrespectful when it comes to challenging religious beliefs. Anti-theists are often seen as too strident, or aggressive, even at times accused of being no better than the fundamentalists whose influence we seek to combat.

I find it difficult to understand why the god claim must be given any more reverence than other entities which most would freely admit are entirely fictional. Why must deities be treated with any more seriousness than Harry Potter, the God-Emperor of Mankind, Godzilla, or the flying spaghetti monster?

While some may argue that these are private beliefs and should be respected as such, I disagree. Not only are they blatantly absurd, but enormously harmful to human society. It is not in the scope of this post to elaborate on the litany of ways in which religion has been harmful to humanity but given that the target audience of this post comprises primararily of secularists, it would be safe to assume that you would be familiar with many of them. Consequently, opposing and ridiculing such beliefs should be seen as not just acceptable, but necessary in order to dismantle the notion that religion is beyond criticism and hope that it jumpstarts the process of helping theists identify the cognitive dissonance that many of them have no choice but to partake in.

However, this task is made much harder if supposedly moderate atheists are immediately willing to denounce such actions as irreverent or inconsiderate and in the process kowtow to the fanatics. In light of the rise of religious extremists across the world, whether that be in the US, Iran, Turkey, Russia, or India, I believe it is imperative for there to be vocal and united opposition from those who have moved beyond such childish concepts.

Finally, I want to emphasize that I am by no means advocating for insulting or mocking people who happen to hold religious beliefs, after all they are also ultimately victims of childhood indoctrination. But rather I want to encourage the de-stigmatization of anti-theism amongst fellow atheists or those who prefer agnostics, even if that is a distinction without a difference. Because at the end of the day, we all want humanity to advance by the principles of reason, rationality, and logic rather than be bound by the shackles of faith, superstition and irrationality.


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