A New Faith
A New Faith Was the new imperial religion a net negative for the Roman civilization? Introduction This write up aims to critically analyse the impact of the abrahamic religion on the trajectory of the Roman Civilization (~753 BCE - 1453 CE) and make an argument for why I believe it to have ultimately been a net negative. It is worth noting that historian Edward Gibbon had also made a similar case when he first wrote his seminal work 'The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire' (1776 CE). However, it is now considered by many to be outdated and operating on faulty assumptions, though I believe it still has some merit, on the whole I admit that it is a flawed assessment. I seek to articulate a more modern position based on new research as well as my own logical analysis of the circumstances of the empire and how its new faith influenced its decision-making for the worse. The body of this essay will be divided into three sections. The first would explore my primary argument, that ...